Kuala Lumpur: Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Institut Profesional Baitulmal (IPB), yang dimiliki oleh Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP), telah memfailkan injunksi terhadap penggantungannya selepas beliau melaporkan rasuah dalam institusi pendidikan Islam berkenaan.
Dr Syed Omar Syed Agil berkata, institusi pendidikan tinggi swasta itu kemudian mengeluarkan surat tunjuk sebab kepadanya pada 29 September, 2015, iaitu hari yang sama apabila Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mengarahkan penggeledahan dan penyitaan di premis IPB di sini.
"Setelah bekerja dengan Defendan selama hampir setahun dan melihat wujudnya beberapa keputusan tertentu mengenai kewangan dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang mencurigakan yang telah dibuat oleh beberapa pegawai dan/atau kakitangan tertentu, saya sesungguhnya percaya terdapat salah urus kewangan dan/atau penyelewengan, serta tindakan pegawai dan/atau pekerja Defendan yang saya sesungguhnya percaya merupakan kesalahan tatatertib dan/atau kesalahan jenayah, saya membangkitkan isu-isu ini dalam Institut dan kemudiannya membuat pendedahan yang sama kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia ("SPRM ") dan Polis Diraja Malaysia (" Polis ") masing-masing pada 14-8-2015 dan 1-9-2015 ("Pendedahan Saya Terhadap Perbuatan Salahlaku ")," kata Syed Omar di dalam afidavit untuk menyokong permohonan injunksi interim beliau, lapor wartawan Malay Mail Online yang melihat affidavit berkenaan..
SPRM, bagaimanapun, tidak dapat menjalankan penggeledahan dan penyitaan kerana pegawai IPB yang berkenaan mengambil cuti sakit dan sebaliknya menyerahkan waran itu kepada Syed Omar sendiri.
Syed Omar berkata, dalam afidavitnya bahawa beliau percaya IPB telah menyedari pendedahannya terhadap salah urus kewangan yang didakwa di institusi apabila dia menghantar e-mel kepada "beberapa" pegawai atau pekerja IPB, selepas pegawai-pegawai SPRM meninggalkan premis IPB ini, meminta kehadiran mereka ke pejabat SPRM pada hari berikutnya.
Syed Omar juga berkata beliau telah menghantar surat tunjuk sebab 18 halaman pada 5 Oktober tahun lepas, yang menyatakan kekecewaannya terhadap tuduhan yang "tidak jelas, tidak berasas dan tuduhan yang lewat dibuat terhadapnya (hanya selepas pendedahan penyelewengannya kepada SPRM) dan caranya bertindak selaku Ketua Eksekutif Institut dipertikaikan oleh pegawai dan/atau pekerja Defendan ".
IPB, bagaimanapun, teloay menghantar beliau notis sehari kemudiannya memberitahunya bahawa tindakan disiplin akan diambil terhadapnya. Beliau telah digantung sejak 7 Oktober tahun lepas.
Syed Omar, yang mula berkhidmat sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif IPB pada September 2014, setelah memenangi injunksi ex-parte terhadap penggantungan dan siasatan dalaman terhadap beliau di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur 21 Disember lalu sementara menunggu pendengaran permohonan injunksi interim itu lewat hari ini.
Pihak polis telah mengesahkan menyiasat aduan Syed Omar di bawah Seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan kerana pecah amanah jenayah oleh penjawat awam.
IPB Sdn Bhd dimiliki 70 peratus oleh MAIWP.
Akhir tahun lalu, IPB akhir tahun lalu kerana dikatakan menempatkan 500 pelajar di sebuah bangunan di Kajang yang belum menerima sijil layak menduduki.
Dakwaan-dakwaan rasuah terhadap IPB datang di tengah-tengah dakwaan rasuah melibatkan satu lagi institusi Islam, Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM), yang didakwa telah membiayai seorang menteri pusat untuk membeli-belah dan bermain golf di Amerika Syarikat.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 5 ― Dr Syed Omar Syed Agil, who was suspended as CEO of the Baitulmal Professional Institute (IPB) last October, has accused IPB officials of corruption over the Islamic college's RM10 million debt recorded in 2014.
Syed Omar said according to the college’s financial report, IPB's debt doubled from RM4.8 million in 2012 to RM10 million in 2014, but he could not obtain the names of the debtors, dates, and other details despite making numerous requests to an IPB official.
He alleged that the high increase of debt was most likely due to the approval of false claims.
“I’m making this police report so that PDRM will investigate more carefully the mismanagement and criminal breach of trust that have been happening since 2012 until after 2014,” Syed Omar said in his police report that was sighted by Malay Mail Online, using the Malay initials for the Malaysian police force.
The report containing his accusations against IPB was lodged here on September 1 last year.
The CEO of the private higher education institution that is 70 per cent owned by the Federal Territories Islamic Council (MAIWP) also accused IPB of overpaying taxes by RM605,000 in 2014.
He said the tax consultant worked out the taxes to be paid was just RM295,000 but instead it was later changed to RM900,000 by an IPB official, a clear difference of RM605,000.
“This shows that the payment of taxes was unreasonable because the payment exceeded what was ordered by LHDN,” Syed Omar said, using the Malay initials for the Inland Revenue Board.
Syed Omar also questioned why IPB's fixed deposits dropped in 2012 from RM10.2 million to RM9.9 million and dipped even further to RM7.4 million in 2014, even though the Islamic college made a RM3.5 million profit in 2013.
The suspended CEO further alleged that a top MAIWP official had ordered IPB company auditors to send a clean report, or “Unqualified Report”, to the National Audit Department in 2014, which he said was markedly different from the Qualified Report that the company auditors had prepared earlier.
“This shows there was mismanagement and suspicious activities done,” he added.
Syed Omar, who started serving as IPB CEO from September 2, 2014, claimed that many cheques, including one for the liquidation of a RM1 million deposit in November 2014, were signed without his knowledge or approval.
He also alleged that IPB's two previous CEOs were terminated on shaky grounds and that the Islamic tertiary education institution was forced to pay compensation.
Besides lodging the police report that is now being investigated under Section 409 of the Penal Code for criminal breach of trust by a public servant, Syed Omar also sent a letter containing the same allegations on August 14 last year to the MACC.
Syed Omar won yesterday a temporary injunction at the High Court here against his suspension from IPB whom he accused of acting against him for whistleblowing on the alleged financial mismanagement.
In his police report, he named two high-ranking IPB officials and a top MAIWP official as suspects in the alleged criminal breach of trust.
Malay Mail Online attempted to seek a response from MAIWP CEO Datuk Zainal Abidin Jaffar on Syed Omar’s allegations.
Zainal declined to comment, according to MAIWP corporate communications officer Wan Ahmad Fadhli Shah Wan Mohd Zain, who told Malay Mail Online that the matter had been brought to court and that it would be “inappropriate” for MAIWP to comment.
However, the only court proceedings taking place are Syed Omar's application for an injunction against his suspension, not about the financial mismanagement allegations he made in the police and MACC reports.
IPB chairman Datuk Dr Ismail Ibrahim was also contacted, but declined to comment, saying, “I know what you are going to ask me,” and repeated “sorry, no comment” before Malay Mail Online could ask the question.